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John Foxell (1944–2016), “Untitled”, Staten Island, New York, After 2011, Wooden tobacco box, r…
John Foxell
John Foxell (1944–2016), “Untitled”, Staten Island, New York, After 2011, Wooden tobacco box, r…
John Foxell (1944–2016), “Untitled”, Staten Island, New York, After 2011, Wooden tobacco box, railroad spike, figurines, newsprint, magazine image, playing card, bottle cap, and plastic utensil, 8.5 x 8.3 in., Collection American Folk Art Museum, New York, Gift of Rick Gallagher and Norman Brosterman, 2018.20.6. Photo by American Folk Art Museum.

John Foxell

BiographyBorn May 25, 1944
Died December 4, 2016, Staten Island