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Artist unidentified, “Man Pointing,” Ross County, Ohio, 19th Century, Paint on carved wood, 3 1…
Man Pointing
Artist unidentified, “Man Pointing,” Ross County, Ohio, 19th Century, Paint on carved wood, 3 1…
Artist unidentified, “Man Pointing,” Ross County, Ohio, 19th Century, Paint on carved wood, 3 1/2 × 2 × 1 3/4 in., Collection American Folk Art Museum, New York, Gift of Dorothea and Leo Rabkin, 1999.26.33. Photo by American Folk Art Museum.
Record Details

Man Pointing

Date19th century
Place/RegionRoss County, Ohio
MediumPaint on carved wood
Dimensions3 1/2 × 2 × 1 3/4"
Credit LineGift of Dorothea and Leo Rabkin
Accession number1999.26.33
CopyrightThe American Folk Art Museum believes this work to be in the public domain.

Object information is a work in progress and may be updated with new research. Records are reviewed and revised, and the American Folk Art Museum welcomes additional information. 

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